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New Member Form




We are honored that you have chosen Congregation Beth Shalom of The Woodlands (CBSW) as your spiritual home. We are committed to creating a strong sense of community with an engaged membership.

As a non-profit organization, CBSW is supported by the collective strength of our members. The Board of Trustees and the CBSW staff are committed to continued excellence in advancing our goal for a vibrant congregation, engaging members of all ages and backgrounds.

The gift of a pledge beyond the sustaining level is important for several reasons: 

Many members, while desiring to pledge at the sustaining level, are not currently in a financial position to do so. Your additional support enables CBSW to fulfill its mission by extending membership to those in need.

Annual gifting currently provides 70% of the income necessary to cover expenses.

Your additional support improves our ability to offer new and innovative programs.

The tradition at CBSW encourages member families that cannot gift at the sustaining level to commit an amount that approximates 2% of gross family income. Every member family must judge its circumstances while remembering that we all fulfill our mission as a House of Prayer, a House of Study and a House of Assembly.

As Jews and members of CBSW we all have an obligation to support congregational activities - those we use and those that serve others.

We recognize that not every member family can commit at the sustaining level. If you cannot make an annual commitment at or above the sustaining level, please contact  our Treasurer ( for a confidential discussion of your financial commitment to CBSW.

CBSW exists today because previous generations recognized and fulfilled their responsibility toward our preservation. When you support CBSW, your commitment helps assure future generations that CBSW will be here to serve the Jewish community. From generation to generation, it our our responsibility and our legacy to share.

Gifting Pledge

Sustaining Membership - $1,800 annually

Enhanced Levels of Giving

OZRIM (Helpers) - $2,400 

TOVIM (Mitzvah) - $2,800 

N'HEDARIM (Proud) - $3,600 

CHAZAKIM (Strength) - $4,000 

K'VODIM (Respected) - $4,600

TZADIKIM (Righteous) - $5,400 

Terms of Membership Commitment

I/We accept the benefits of membership in Congregation Beth Shalom of The Woodlnads and agree to the following:

1. I/We acknowledge a financial commitment to pay the annual gifting pledge. The annual fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30

2. I/We understand that annual membership will be renewed automatically without further action on my/our part unless I/we give written notice before commencement of the new fiscal year that I/we do not want my/our membership renewed. 

All information will be kept confidential.

Adult #1 (Account Primary)

(If no prior affiliation, please write "none")
Name of deceased, relationship, date of death (Secular or Hebrew)
Name of deceased, relationship, date of death (Secular or Hebrew)
Name, Phone and Relationship

Adult #2

Children (if none, leave blank)

Additional Considerations

For males 18 years and older. Men's Club seeks to promote friendship among its members, celebrates Jewish identity and culture, performs Mitzvot (good works), and to enjoy the comradery in accomplishing tasks together.

For women 18 years and older. Havurat Nashim (the Sisterhood) exists to foster friendship, sisterhood, and unity among its membership, and to support the objectives of the CBSW community.


Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785