11/07/2023 02:50:10 PM
One fact that is not to be challenged in the current war is this: Hamas uses children to shield their missiles while Israel uses missiles to protect their children. Some say the situation in the Middle East is quite complicated but on one level I disagree. It is quite simple to diagnose – although not simple to solve. Simply put, a lot of people want to kill Jews in Israel, and if Israel does not act smarter than them, it might just happen. Recently, many Israelis had come to think of themselves like Scandinavians, enjoying the finer things in life. Only problem is that Israel is still in the Middle East. I also read recently that Hamas thinks of Israel not like Scandinavia but rather France. And just as France left Algeria after enduring continued fighting, so will Israel leave the Middle East. Of course, Israelis are neither Scandinavians nor French. But wishful thinking creates the mess we are in. Hamas truly believes it can go along the road of nihilism and somehow prevail. Many in Israel thought the Palestinian people could be placated or ignored. It is sad to see the Gazans suffering, even if they have their own leaders to blame. It is hard to think there might be peace. Certainly, we cannot have peace without strength. I am reminded of the prayer we say at the end of the blessing for the meal: God give us strength so we can enjoy peace. May Israel prevail through strength and then may peace come to all.