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06/21/2024 12:22:51 PM


What are you reading this summer?

Remember the story of the aged rabbi, who finally is retiring? A congregant asks him his plans and he says, “I hope to finish my book.” The congregant says, “That’s so nice. What are you writing about?” Answers the rabbi, “You misunderstand. The plan is to finish the book I am reading!”

Summertime is an opportunity for many of us to read. Here are the books on my nightstand. (Just kidding, they are on my Kindle.)

  • The Age of Grievance by Frank Bruni
  • The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides
  • The Anxious Generation by Jon Haidt
  • The Necessity of Exile by Shaul Magid
  • Palestine 1936 by Oren Kessler
  • The Making of Modern Zionism by Shlomo Avineri
  • Takeover by Timothy Ryback

Many of these books are about Israel. Ironically the most “current” one — although recently published — is about the 1936 Arab revolt. Its message is sadly still relevant. Timothy Ryback takes us into the political machination of 1932 Germany. Fascinating. Frank Bruni tries to explain our current situation through the lens of grievance. The Wide Wide Sea is about Captain Cook’s last — and fatal — south sea adventure. And The Anxious Generation explores how smart devices are hurting our children. None of these are “beach” reads but then I don’t often go to the beach. Do let me know if you are reading a worthwhile book.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784