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Religious School


Congregation Beth Shalom of The Woodlands is committed to nurturing skills, experiences, beliefs, and emotional attachments in our students and families that will enable them to integrate the values of Torah (Jewish learning), Avodah (Worship), and G'milut Chasadim (Good Deeds) into their lives. 

For more information, contact Helen Richard, our Director of Education, Congregational Engagement and Tenant Relations.

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Registration Fees

Welcome to the new school year as we inspire our students with the love of Jewish Learning

Members Only: Parent Handbook, Time Table, Faculty List, Calendar & Dates



Gan Yeladim (Children's Garden)

3-5 Year Olds

A strong Jewish curriculum encompassing art, music, play, and storytelling. Students are introduced to prayers and songs to increase their comfort at services.


Chalutzim (Pioneers)

Kindergarten through 2nd Grade

Curriculum focuses on the Jewish Holidays, Bible stories and heroes, and the Land of Israel. Students are introduced to prayers and songs to increase their comfort at services.


Kadimah (Striving Forward)

3rd through 6th Grades

Torah, T'filah (prayers), holidays, Jewish history, and Israel are integrated into a spiraling curriculum. Hebrew is taught on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Students entering the Kadimah program are blessed each autumn in a Consecration Ceremony as part of our congregation's Simcha Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah) holiday celebration.


Post B'nai Mitzvah Program

8th & 9th Grade

Our 8th and 9th graders are combined into one class taught by Rabbi Goldberg on Sundays during Religious School. In addition to providing an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the students and Rabbi Goldberg, the class addresses the timely question of how to disagree in a Jewish way. Students learn how constructive conflict is necessary in every relationship and community and how to reframe conflict in a way that leads to resolution, partnership, and vital leadership skills. Our teens also spend time each Sunday morning serving as junior Madrichim (teaching assistants) and role models for our younger students. These hours can be counted towards their community service for college applications.

Confirmation/ KabalLat Torah 

10th Grade

Our 10th grade students work with Rabbi Goldberg to explore Jewish ethics, issues of social justice, and a variety of topics that have a direct impact on them as young adults. The highlight of the year is the Confirmation class trip to the L'Taken Social Justice Seminar in Washington, D.C, Austin, Texas, or Galveston, Texas. 


Madrichim Program (Teaching Assistants)

11th-12th Grades

Older students at CBSW have an opportunity through our Madrichim Program to continue their Jewish education while giving something back to our congregation. Students serve as teaching assistants and activity specialists in our CBSW Religious School. They meet periodically to share their experiences as Jewish role models, to continue Jewish study, and to develop teaching, mentoring, and leadership skills. Students who serve as Madrichim in both the 11th and 12th grades are awarded the Shomrei Kabbalah Award (Guardians of the Tradition) and recognized during a special service for their dedication to our congregation and the Jewish people.



Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785